Inter­ac­tion Designer
Visu­al Designer


Pix­el Hard­ware Team,
Pix­el Mar­ket­ing Team,
Chrome OS Team,
Design Lead,
Prod­uct Manager,



The Challenge

Since Google’s VP of Hard­ware Design Ivy Ross join­ing in 2014, she has made great efforts to human­ize the hard­ware of the tech and data giant into per­son­able points of inter­ac­tion. For 2019, we con­tin­ue deliv­ey this mes­sage to our users to let me feel at home when they use Google’s prod­uct. To align with indus­tri­al design lan­guage this year, pro­vid­ing a warm feel­ing to engage users and hav­ing a moment of delight.

The Apporach

Using pig­ment pig­ments to present the feel­ing of hand paint­ing, and the inter­ac­tive fusion of pig­ments to reflect the inter­ac­tion between people.

We want to make sure [our products] feel human,” — Ivy Ross